Por Wally Santos

Recientemente los Guatemaltecos disfrutaron de actividades que varias empresas comerciales ha organizado para recibir las fiestas de fin año. En algunas ciudades del país se han realizado conciertos y la tradicional inauguración de enormes árboles navideños.

The Christmas atmosphere already feels in all country. In the streets it is already listened the sound of the pyrotechnic lights and the companies are already adorned to promote the purchases of year end.
Recently the Guatemalans enjoyed activities that several companies have organized to receive the end year parties. In some

One of these activities, was carried out recently in the Capital City. People's thousands became present in the main streets to observe the Christmas Parade that organize several companies. Adults and boys enjoyed listening musical bands and the showy colors of their participants. Several schools of students encouraged this parade with Christmas songs that motivated the public's applause. Musicians, queens, characters of the cartoons and beautiful coaches, gave colorful and happiness in all their journey.