El servicio de transporte urbano de Mazatenango fue suspendido en esta mañana, al ser secuestrado un piloto por delincuentes que se dedican a extorsionar a pilotos y empresarios que prestan este servicio. Miles de personas tuvieron que caminar o conseguir otro tipo de transporte para

Los pilotos indicaron que las bandas de delincuentes les han exigido el pago de Q.500.00 semanales y a otros hasta Q.5 mil al mes. Q.8,000.00 es lo que piden los delincuentes para no matar al piloto secuestrado. La Policía instaló varios puestos de registro en toda la ciudad para localizar al piloto secuestrado y tratar de arrestar a los delincuentes.
Transport of Mazatenango is suspended
The service of urban transport of Mazatenango was suspended the morning of Tuesday 24, when being kidnapped a pilot by criminals that are devoted to extort pilots and managers that lend this service. People's thousands had to walk or to get another type of transport to move to their daily tasks. The Governor of the city, Werner Martínez, met with representatives of the union of pilots of the urban service and the commissary of the local police, to analyze the solution to this problem.
The pilots indicated that the bands of criminals have demanded them the payment of weekly $70.00 and to others until $.650.00 a month. $.1,000.00 is what the criminals request for not killing the kidnapped pilot. The Police installed several registration positions in the whole city to locate the kidnapped pilot and to be about arresting the criminals.