Por: Wally Santos
Como parte de las actividades previas a la semana del CARNAVAL MAZATECO 2009, se realizó una sesión fotográfica en traje de baño a las candidatas que participarán en el certamen REINA DEL CARNAVAL MAZATECO 2009-2010. Esta sesión de fotos se realizó en el Hotel Bambú Resort donde las chicas mostraron su belleza y encanto ante el jurado calificador, calificación que será parte de los aspectos que el Jurado tomará en cuenta la noche de gala donde será electa la Reina del Carnaval 2009-2010.
As part of the previous week MAZATECO CARNIVAL 2009 activities, a photo shoot was held in swimsuit candidates participating in the contest "CARNIVAL QUEEN 2009-2010". This photo shoot was held at the Hotel Bamboo Resort where the girls showed their beauty and charm in front of the jury, that grade will be part of the issues the jury will take into account where the gala evening will be elected "CARNIVAL QUEEN 2009-2010".
As part of the previous week MAZATECO CARNIVAL 2009 activities, a photo shoot was held in swimsuit candidates participating in the contest "CARNIVAL QUEEN 2009-2010". This photo shoot was held at the Hotel Bamboo Resort where the girls showed their beauty and charm in front of the jury, that grade will be part of the issues the jury will take into account where the gala evening will be elected "CARNIVAL QUEEN 2009-2010".
Sesión fotográfica "exclusiva" de las candidatas a Reina del Carnaval de Mazatenango en traje de baño.
Session photographic "EXCLUSIVELY" of candidates to Queen of the Carnival from Mazatenango Swimsuit.
Session photographic "EXCLUSIVELY" of candidates to Queen of the Carnival from Mazatenango Swimsuit.
Galería de Fotos: