Por Wally Santos
Presunto delincuente es linchado
Todo comenzó cuando Walter Gonzáles fue capturado por los varias personas tras haber robado Q.7 mil quetzales en efectivo a una vendedora del mercado local. Fue sacado del mercado y llevado frente a la Municipalidad donde murió a golpes.
Las tres mujeres fueron llevadas a la estación de la policía, pero minutos después, regresaron para intentar llevarlas y ser linchadas. Las autoridades se negaron y la población lanzó piedras y palos contra la estación policial, luego quemaron dos vehículos de la policía. Llegaron refuerzos policiales quienes dispersaron la turba con gases lacrimógenos. Luego llegó un helicóptero policial para llevarse a las tres mujeres a un lugar más seguro.
¿Porqué la población actuó de esta forma? porque no confían en las autoridades, pues luego de capturar a los delincuentes, los dejan libres tras recibir sobornos.
Disturbances in Panajachel
Presumed criminal is Murdered by the population
More than a thousand five hundred people they claimed to the authorities that they gave to four presumed criminals to make justice for their own hands. An identified man as Walter Gonzáles García (30 old years) died to blows for the infuriated crowd and three more women, belonging to the band, they were rescued by the Police.
Everything began when Walter Gonzáles was captured by several people after having stolen Q.7 a thousand quetzals cash to a salesperson of the local market.
It was taken out of the market and taken in front of the City Council where he died to blows.
The three women were taken later to the station of the police, but minutes later, they returned to try to take them and to be lynched. The authorities refused and the population threw stones and sticks against the police station, then they burned two vehicles of the police. Police reinforcements arrived who dispersed the crowd with tear gases. Then a Police Helicopter arrived to be taken to the three women to a surer place.
Reason the population behaved this way? because they don't trust the authorities, because after capturing the criminals, they leave them free after receiving bribes.
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